1. Registration

Registration for participation in courses and offers is done via the booking form on the website or by mail.

The participant agrees to the storage of his/her data, taking into account the Federal Data Protection Act (see data protection declaration).

  1. Courses and coaching

Für Körper und Seele, owner Nicole Scherer, is entitled to close for up to 2 weeks during renovation work or for similar organisational reasons and also during approx. 14-day company holidays. Temporary closures will be announced in good time by notice board, email, social media or via this website. As a rule, no courses or coaching sessions take place on public holidays. This does not affect the terms of payment as a whole.

Classes in the ongoing courses take place once a week. Coaching takes place by appointment.

Depending on supply and demand, I reserve the right to adapt the course schedule to your needs and my capacities.

Please inform me before classes of any physical infirmities and health conditions or limitations that may affect your ability to participate in classes, even if you consider them minor.

  1. Cancellation and missed lessons

Times when classes are not in session, such as public holidays or holidays, are indicated under the course description.

Participations cancelled in good time will be credited to the participant (up to 24 hours in advance). Bookings cancelled or not taken after the cancellation deadline are subject to a charge. Credited participations must be taken within 3 months, otherwise these credits expire.

The owner, Nicole Scherer, reserves the right to use substitute teachers in order to avoid short-term absences due to illness, accidents or similar.

  1. Terms of payment

For Body and Soul offers the following payment methods:

  • Sepa direct debit mandate
  • Bank transfer
  • Cash (will be indicated separately for special courses)

A bank transfer must be made within 8 days to the following account:

Raiffeisenbank Mehring-Leiwen eG

Nicole Scherer

IBAN: DE 73 5706 9806 0101 2594 52 

  1. Programme and price change

The owner, Nicole Scherer, reserves the right to make changes to the programme and prices. These changes have no influence on current courses.

  1. Insurance cover

Claims for damages are excluded unless they are based on intent or gross negligence.

  1. Personal responsibility

Each participant decides how far to engage in the physical and psychological processes offered. It is strongly recommended to continue with medical treatment and not to discontinue medicinal therapies. Anyone undergoing therapy (medical, physical, psychological or other) must clarify with their respective therapist, doctor or other therapeutic companions, the participation in the courses and coaching sessions.

  1. Data protection

All data collected from course participants and coachees is treated as strictly confidential. (see privacy policy)

  1. Copyright and Trademark Law

The copyright for published objects created by the owner, Nicole Scherer, herself, remains with the owner of the pages. Any duplication or use of objects such as diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the owner's agreement.

  1. Final clause

Should any clause of these terms and conditions be or become invalid, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain valid.