Many children suffer from problems with their coordination and motor skills. Unfortunately, children nowadays generally move too little and rarely do sports. Instead, mobile phones and computer games have become more and more interesting and important.
The eye only follows what is happening straight ahead. But the child no longer sees what is happening around it.
In our courses, children learn to train their coordination and motor skills and to promote development.
Many children are not able to perform even simple movements in a well-coordinated way.
The ability to keep one's own body in balance and to control even complex movements precisely, quickly and variably is immensely important for healthy development - and is actually child's play.
In our courses, children learn to train their coordination and motor skills and to promote development.
In our entire range of services, we pursue a holistic approach: the focus is on the client and his or her physical and mental well-being.
And here one must carefully sound out which range of services can best address their needs.
Maybe sometimes just "exercise" is the right thing to do, in another case maybe learning relaxation techniques is the way to a better well-being.
Coaching and training require not only skill, experience and professional work, but first and foremost one thing: trust. In this context, we can not only draw on the corresponding years of experience, but also have the corresponding certifications and training.
We take you and your concerns seriously and are respectful in our dealings with each other.
We follow up every request with due professionalism, no matter from which area
You can rely on us: we keep our promises, whether verbally or in writing.
Everything from one source
You have only one contact person: we accompany you from the beginning to the end of your request.